We believe in long-term fundamental investing.

Our strategy

Our investment strategy seeks to outperform the S&P 500 Total Return Index by focusing on long-term capital appreciation through fundamental investing. We target companies that we believe are trading below their fair value with catalysts for future growth, prioritizing innovative businesses with a clear value proposition and strong growth potential.


Growth-Oriented, U.S. Equities


Long Only


High Conviction, Our “Best Ideas”


Horizon of 3+ Years


No Leverage

Your questions, answered by our team

Arne Alsin

Chief Investment Officer & Founder
How would you describe Nightview Capital’s investment philosophy?
Our investment philosophy is built on a simple idea: we stay focused on our best ideas through the inevitable fluctuations of the market. Over the long-term, we believe this approach is the best path to compound returns and mitigate risk for our investors.
Describe your investment approach.
We’re always thinking about how the world is evolving, and which companies are the driving force behind that change. That’s where we believe we can find some of our best ideas: growing companies benefiting from secular trends. The key is to find the very best opportunities that can be held for many years—and let compounding do the work for us.
Who would be well-suited to invest in Nightview’s strategy?
We believe our strategy is well-suited for any long-term investor who believes in the power of concentration—and who is looking for an actively managed equity growth strategy. This can be an individual investor managing their own capital—or a professional allocator. If you’d like to speak with a member of our team to learn more, please get in touch.

Eric Markowitz

Director of Research
Why is independent research so important to Nightview’s investment approach?

At a high level, we believe the clearest path to compounding is by taking a proactive and highly selective approach to stock selection. In a world that’s increasingly filled with noise, we’re focused on finding the signal. That means doing deep, intensive research to find what we believe are the best opportunities across the market.

Describe the philosophy behind your research process.
Our philosophy emphasizes continuous learning about new technologies, business models, and innovations across various sectors. We believe that by keeping an open mind and always improving, we have the best chance to succeed over the long-term.
What does the ideal investment look like for Nightview Capital?
In our experience, the best investments are typically in ambitious, growing businesses going after large markets. We’re especially drawn to stocks and situations where our fundamentally driven views diverge meaningfully from consensus. That’s where we can go deep on the research, gain conviction, build a financial model that supports our thesis, and take a position.
What do you see as Nightview’s advantage?
There’s two main areas. One, it’s our unique research process. We like to believe that where others go wide, we go deep. And two, it’s our freedom to pursue opportunities across the “value to growth” spectrum. Many legacy asset managers are constrained in one form another. Unlike them, we’re free to pursue our best ideas and do whatever we believe is right for our investors.

Dan Crowley, CFA

Portfolio Manager
How do you size positions?

When we see upside ahead, we’re not afraid to size up a position. Our view is that concentration is essential to outperform the indices over a multi-year period.

What is your sell discipline?
We generally sell under 3 scenarios. First, when the company is approaching, meeting, or exceeding our valuation target. Second, when we believe we’ve made a mistake in our evaluation and analysis. Third, when we view better uses for our capital.
Describe your portfolio structure.

We typically include 15 to 25 securities in our portfolios. Because of our long-term approach to investing, we expect low turnover.

If you’d like to understand how Nightview Capital’s strategy could fit into your portfolio, contact us.