Quote of the week:
“You’ll want ’em again when they’re higher. It’s not your fault. Your mind isn’t designed for this. It’s the product of millions of years of evolution. It wants you to run. It wants you to avoid discomfort. You’ll want back the very thing you sold when it’s higher. It’s weird.” (Source)
The stock sleuth approach
Two weeks ago in Issue #76 of The Nightcrawler, I shared an older clip of Warren Buffett in 1992 in which he compares investigative journalism to investing. “Ninety percent of investing is assigning yourself the right story,” he says to a room full of reporters. “The story always happens to be, ‘What is X worth?’ But that’s a story.”
Since then, a few folks have suggested I check out Avner Mandelman’s work. Avner—a former rocket scientist and hedge fund manager—writes about his own quasi-investigative-reporting techniques his book, The Sleuth Investor. (His favorite research tools to get people to talk: “A phone—and beer.”)
Mandelman participated in a semi-recent podcast discussion in which he explores how to think about company-specific information that doesn’t appear in the “ink squiggles” of an earnings report or 10-Q. He also acknowledges the many complex behavioral elements of investing in public markets—and the game theory involved. “If you play poker, you don’t just play the cards,” he says. “You play the faces. Beyond a certain level, you have to play the opponent.”
There’s no real news peg to Avner’s podcast, but I found much of the conversation to be especially relevant in today’s hyper-volatile market. Sentiment, fear, greed—these are drivers in the short-term. But over the long-term, valuations increase as a result of business performance—which is why a forward-looking research process is so critical. (H/T Brett Dorendorf, Shadowridge Capital)
Slack as edge
“Flourishing in life seems to be determined by our ability to navigate fitness landscapes,” writes my friend Tom Morgan in one of his typically thoughtful recent essays. One trait I’ve observed across all the best-performing stocks in recent history (from Apple to Amazon) is this idea of continuous reinvention—a unique but intangible imprint within an organization that encourages adaption and evolution (and eventual new lines of business).
Tom’s essay focuses on the individual, but the concept applies on an organizational level, too. It also reinforced to me a way of thinking about how to find the most compelling value in the stock market by looking for companies that haven’t just succeeded in the past—but are actively thinking of ways to adapt and grow into an ever-changing future. “If everything needs to be perfectly evolved for a narrow set of circumstances,” he writes, “that means risking mass extinction if things change.”
A few more links I enjoyed:
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